Friday, February 3, 2017

These 7 Tips to Use Seat Belts Safe For Pregnant Women

The use of a seat belt or seat belt that one would endanger motorists, especially for pregnant women. Because pregnancy is very vulnerable to shocks. Here's a guide wearing the seat belt properly so as to make pregnant women feel safe and comfortable:
1. Position the seat belt at the waist as low as possible below the pelvis.

 2. Extend the seat belt to cover the shoulders and chest position the seat belt passes.
3. Avoid wearing a seat belt around the abdomen because this part is certainly enlarged. There was also a risk to the fetus.
4. If there is a shift in the seat belt when driving on the road, then stop and rearrange your seat belt.
5. If they are hard to put a comfortable position seat belts, please wear a seat belt adapter is designed for use in pregnant women.
6. The seat belt should they really fitting and not loose. This way to prevent contractions or rupture of membranes.
7. The age of the fetus is most vulnerable is 7 months to 9 months. It would be nice if more cautious again in wearing a seat belt at this gestational age.

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